Please note this plugin requires your website to have WooCommerce installed and configured on your WordPress website.
However, the currency is limited to the platform selected.
NB: Pay attention to where the file is saved after downloads
Once your plugin is Activated, you must set up the plugin on your website.
Please note, that the currencies supported are different for each platform
a. Enable Plugin
b. AutoComplete
NB: If you wish to push this plugin to LIVE, uncheck “SandBox Mode”
Choose the “Fee Structure” and “Image Size” you desire.
Ensure you select the platform for your respective country.
Please note, that the currencies supported are different for each platform
For the currency setting, you will need to select your preferred currency in your WooCommerce
You will also have to configure the following:
If you chose to uncheck “SandBox Mode”, you will be required to fill out the ‘LIVE Credentials’. A
prompt is given when the account number and API key is accepted.
a. WiPay Account Number
b. WiPay Business Key
If you need assistance locating your WiPay API key, click here.
If you chose to leave “SandBox Mode” checked for testing purposes, you can use the credentials
provided on the plugin manager.
If you wish to log the information that this plugin process, check ‘Enable Logging’
The ‘Download’ button allows you to download the logs where as the ‘Clear’ button erases all
data saved on the file.
Click “Save Changes” and a notification will appear to state that changes have been saved.
To uninstall the WiPay WooCommerce Plugin
This plugin allows the user to log event data. This allows the user to:
You will need to perform the following sets to provide the CS team with information to assist with your issue:
Solution: Contact WiPay Customer Service and request permission to accept US payments.
Solution: Follow the outlined steps to change the currency:
Solution: Follow the outlined steps to obtain your WiPay API credentials:
Solution: Follow the outlined steps to Manually Verify the Status of the WooCommerce Order:
[1-R1]: Transaction is approved. for a normal approved transaction, or
[2-R2]: Transaction is declined. for a normal declined transaction. (Note: other responses are possible!)
The Status of the WooCommerce Order should also reflect either Failed, or Processing or Completed (based on your plugin settings).
This occurs when the system was unable to find the transaction.
This occurs when there is an unexpected error, and the web page requires the information to be resubmitted.
This occurs when webpage is redirected.